Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Assistance in Hidden Valley gold mining environmental issues



Thank you Robin for your well-received views and offer to assist.

 Indeed the political insinuation is there, but regardless of who provides the financial support, the scientific nature and the credibility of the findings are what we need. This is why either by outside consultants or Morobe elites, the appropriate technical expertise and experience is needed to undertake this study.

 The cost for such study is enormous, and political support either through Tutumang (Morobe provincial assembly) or individual MPs is required, as long as the report of the findings is credible and transparent; whatever political achievement is up to the people's judgement.

 The idea of us Morobe elites assisting is to do it at reduced cost, particularly to cut down on the consultant fees.

 The report by Mr Michael Kiap is worth accessing, but interestingly, why were such findings never publicized?

 However, given the recent problems as seen on the TV and the circulation of the video clips of the area, it is worth untaking an independent study to ascertain all those allegations.

 Your suggestion of Tutumang submission for financial support is well taken and in fact I have already suggested the idea to landowners’ association interim president, which requires the local level government presidents' support and endorsement.

This too will required technical expertise advice and assistance in putting together the submission.

 I have Ms Finkewe Zurenuoc, who has enormous experience in mining industry, already offering her assistance and you in hydrology, which is great.

We need a few more and then we can look at logistic support to get together and plan this study including the costing.


Kind regards,




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